Spring Fallout in Texas

Have you ever been surrounded by so many birds you literally can’t move quick enough to photograph them all?

It is very exciting! My mom and I took the time this year to travel to High Island, Texas to photograph migratory birds during the spring fallout.

Today High Island rises 32 feet above the surrounding marshes, providing soil conditions favorable to trees and shrubs. It forms a unique and important island of habitat for migrating birds.”  –www.birdinghighisland.com/about.htm

As the migratory birds cross the 600 mile Gulf of Mexico, they can’t help but look for a place to rest and regroup for the next take off. It just so happens High Island, Texas is perfect for that and seems to be almost designed for the sole purpose of a migratory “pit-stop”.

If you enjoy watching birds and/or photographing them as they aggressively hunt for food and temporary habitat, I HIGHLY suggest taking a trip to High Island between early March and May. You won’t regret it. Just be sure to pack your hiking shoes and some mosquito spray. 🙂

—-Thanks Mom for allowing me to experience such wonders as these magnificent birds. As well as teaching me how to take advantage of auto-focus on the fly! (no pun intended;))



birdandfam fight heron heron1 hummerbest lizard nestmaterial orioleandberry purplestruggle redbird redbird124 roseatefight roseategroom tanagerandoriole yellowboots yellowcouple2

Stay Cool!
